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Zombies: Classic Spooky Content


The fine folk at WotC were kind enough to give us a single encounter with just the right Spooky theme for Halloween, Drowned Sailors!

This is a very simple encounter, intended to be an introduction to the larger story arch of Storm Wreck Isle. They distributed it free, so we can use what is presented. We always look to get more content than they intended.

Stormwreck Isle Map

Probably the best part of this roughly 4 page freebie, is the map. It shows the jagged 5 mile island, just of the coast of what I resume to be the Sword Coast, and the only identifiable land mark is the High Road. This allows us to place this bit of Geography as we please, but I suppose the intended location is just south of Neverwinter, near Helms Hold. The island itself appears to be mostly rocky peaks, with little vegetation and is described as a center of conflict between chromatic and metallic dragons.

"Ages ago, metallic dragons imprisoned a rampaging red dragon beneath the ocean floor. But the red dragonā€™s fury caused the undersea volcanic activity that formed Stormwreck Isle, the island on which Dragonā€™s Rest stands. The imprisoned dragonā€™s powerful magic has left a permanent mark on Stormwreck Isle. That magic draws other dragons to the island, making it a recurring battlefield. The spiritual scars of dragons who have died there give rise to monsters and unpredictable magic."

Drawing on the Red Dragon Lair description in the Basic Rules, we find number of interesting implications for this island.

  • Small earthquakes are common within 6 miles of the dragonā€™s lair.
  • Water sources within 1 mile of the lair are supernaturally warm and tainted by sulfur.
  • Rocky fissures within 1 mile of the dragonā€™s lair form portals to the Elemental Plane of Fire, allowing creatures of elemental fire into the world to dwell nearby.
Earthquakes make interesting, if minor environmental hazards mid combat, or as the adventurers travel across the small island. The Elemental implications are perhaps the most interesting. I really like the idea of a Cult of Kobolds attempting to free the Ancient Red Dragon, as it gives an opportunity for NPC development and Background for the Dragon. Tiamat's minions are everywhere!
Kolbold Racial Modifiers suggestions for use on NPC Stat Blocks, or adding themed modifiers to the Kobold Stat Block all from the Basic Rules
  • +2 Dex, opt for ranged weapons
  • Darkvision 60ft
  • Pack Tactics advantage on attacks when an ally is adjacent

Fire Elementals from the Basic Rules (Challenge Rating)
  • Azer (2)
  • Effreti (11)
  • Fire Elemental (5)
  • Magma Mephit (1/2)
  • Magmin (1/2)
  • Salamander (5)
  • Steam Mephit (1/4)
Adding Fire Elemental Flare to mundane Beasts or NPCs
  • add spell like attack options like Firebolt, Heat Metal can be nasty!
  • normal natural or weapon attacks could be altered to deal fire damage instead or in addition to their other normal types. This is an empowerment of the user, and should not leave "flame blessed" recoverable magical weapons on the battlefield...unless you want that, perhaps a s a short term effect?
  • Use Fire Genasi (from Elemental Evil Players Companion) over other races for natives
    • +1 Inteligence
    • Darkvision 60ft
    • Fire Resistance
    • "You know the produce flame cantrip. Once you reach 3rd level, you can cast the burning hands spell once with this trait as a 1st-level spell, and you regain the ability to cast it this way when you finish a long rest. Constitution is your spellcasting ability for these spells."
  • Lava (1d6/round) and earthquakes (save/check vs. prone) make thematic environmental hazards around the battlefield, and can be used in conjunction to great effect.


Clifftop Observatory Southeast tip of the Island

Dragons Rest

Described as an open air temple, on the cliffs overlooking the calm harbor on the north side of the island, and featuring a Statue of a wizened man surrounded by seven song birds. This has all the marks of a Temple of Bahamut, and it's clerics are most likely charged with safeguarding the magic imprisoning the Red Dragon bellow the Sea. Have they noticed a small gathering of Kobolds moving about the island? Is one of the Clerics a polymorphed Silver Dragon aspect of one of Bahamut's bird?

Seagrove Caves Western shore, middle of the island

Wreck of the Compass Rose Northernmost tip of the island

Pregenerated Characters:

These are pretty standard faire, but may deserve future development as long term NPCs

LG Dwarf(Hill) Soldier Cleric

NG Elf(Wood) Folk Hero Fighter

LG Human Noble Paladin

CG Halfling(Lightfoot) Criminal Rogue

NG Elf(High) Sage Wizard

Named NPC

Elder Runara she appears to be a leader with Dragons Rest, and deserves further development

Everything Else:

I intended this to be a Spooky themed Article about a Zombie encounter, but the Elemental nature of the island has proven to be the most interesting part this freebie from Wizards of the Coast. The combat encounter is fairly basic, and does provide a Stat Block for Zombies. In addition, there is a handout for Spells, which is nice for newer players, and there are some good tips for new DMs on how to properly run the encounter. All in all, this doesn't do anything for us which the Basic Rules doesn't already provide.


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