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Free&D Simplified Pantheon


WotC, faulted or not, have provided a plethora of copyrighted worlds to be enjoyed by Players and DMs alike. Each of these, more often than not, comes along with it's own Pantheon of Deities, ranging from 4th additions simplified list, to expansive multi edition models.

"Each world in the D&D multiverse has its own pantheons of deities. This appendix deals with one pantheon, that of the Forgotten Realms. Dozens of deities are revered, worshiped, and feared throughout the world of the Forgotten Realms. At least thirty deities are widely known across the Realms, and many more are worshiped locally, by individual tribes, small cults, or certain sects of larger religious temples." -2018 Basic Rules, Appendix B

What do you really need to run your campaign?

Well, to be honest not much. If you have a divine player in the party, they most likely will choose a Deity with which they associate. Even if you don't have a divine player in your group, and perhaps more importantly if you don't, the parties Homebase would not be complete without a friendly NPC capable of offering divine assistance. In either situation, this will most likely be your focal "Good Guy " Diety.

Gaea, the "Earth Mother"

This name appears in both IRL, and in Robert E. Howard's pulp fiction classic, Hyborian Age setting, better known as Conan. Both base sources have aged out of copyright consideration, so as long as you don't borrow heavily from other's work, you should be in the clear to include these in your setting.

Model Alignment: Neutral Good

Spheres of Influence: life, nature, agriculture, peace, halflings, family, beasts, spring

Other Names: Chantea ("Mother Nature", Osiris, Eldath, Yondalla[halflings], Freya, Hathor, Jannath), could also represent Tatania, Queen of the Seelie Court.

The default cleric in the Basic Rules, is the Life domain cleric, and it is the cleric you are likely to see most often from the average player group. It's focus on healing also makes it a fine choice for the "friendly local helper" NPC for a homebase, offering a variety of help, information, and hooks.

Dark Powers (Ravenloft)

Strictly speaking, your campaign does not need to have an "evil" deity, but it is often and early addition to a campaign setting. They (and they're resulting "cult" followers) make for easy "bad" guys, especially at lower tiers of play, but even at the highest planar spanning levels of the game. Free content brings a number of my favorite options.

Tiamat: Dragon Queen

Model Alignment: Lawful Evil

Spheres of Influence: arcane, Trickery, Chromatic Dragons, war

Other Names: Tekhesis [Dragonlance]

Supporting sources:

  • Monsters Compendium 2, distributed Free December 5th, 2022 as part of the Holiday Adventure Calendar
Model Alignment: Neutral Evil
Sphers of Influence: knowledge, magic, secrets, evil, destruction
Model Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Sphers of Influence: undead, underworld, fire
Other Names: demon prince (Hades, Anubis, Keeper)

Nonhuman Deities Certain gods closely associated with nonhuman races are revered on many different worlds, though not always in the same way. The nonhuman races of the Forgotten Realms and Greyhawk share these deities. Nonhuman races often have whole pantheons of their own. Besides Moradin, for example, the dwarf gods include Moradin’s wife, Berronar Truesilver, and a number of other gods thought to be their children and grandchildren: Abbathor, Clangeddin Silverbeard, Dugmaren Brightmantle, Dumathoin, Gorm Gulthyn, Haela Brightaxe, Marthammor Duin, Sharindlar, Thard, Harr, and Vergadain. Individual clans and kingdoms of dwarves might revere some, all, or none of these deities, and some have other gods unknown (or known by other names) to outsiders. -2018 Basic Rules, Appendix B

Oberon Corellon Larethian [Elves] CG sellie fey, art, arcane, war, knowledge

  • Angharradh [elves] (Selune (Sehanine[elves]), Sune (Hanali[elves], Aphrodite), Akadi (Aerdrie[elves])) "King of the Elves" CG elves, air, beauty, life, light, love, knowledge, moon

    • Lliira (Titania[elves]) CG joy, life, fey

  • Mystra (Hala[Ravenloft]) NG knowledge, arcane

    • Azuth LN Knowledge, wizards

      • Savras LN Knowledge, fate

  • Oghma (Ioun, Waukeen) N knowledge, trade, trickery

    • Denier NG knowledge, writing

    • Gond N knowledge, craft

    • Milil NG light, art

Mordin (Crom[Conan]) N, dwarves, giants, smiths, knowledge, miners, earth

Morninglord[Ravenloft] (Pholtus, Andral, Pelor, Mithra, Mitra(Conan), Lathander, Authanter, Ra) NG, birth, life, light, sun, summer

Dark Powers [Ravenloft] LN in

  • Asmodeus (Bane) LE War, Strife

    • Bhaal NE death, murder

      • Loviatar LE death, pain

      • Talona (Zehir, Sseth, Typhon) CE death, disease, poison, trickery, snakes

      • Maglubiyet NE goblinoids, war, trickery

  • Shar (Queen of Air & Darkness[Unseelie Fey], Ibrandul, Mother of Night [Ravenloft]) NE darkness, arcane(Illusion), murder, death, loss

    • Mask (Leira) CN, trickery, thieves

Silvanus (Forest Father, Silas) N Nature, wilds

  • Eldath NG Life, Nature, pools, waterfalls, peace

  • Gruumsh (Talos, Umberlee, Neptune, Poseidon, Eadro, Melora, Devourer) CN/E tempest, war, orcs, storms, seas, merfolk, sailors

  • Malar (Beast Lord , “wolf god”, Zhakata [Ravenloft]) CN/E hunt, nature, lycanthropes

  • Mielikki NG forests, nature

Tempus (Thor) N, war, fighters

  • Beshaba

Torm (Odin, Aslan) LG courage, justice, law war

  • Cuthbert (Bahamut, Helm, Paladine [Dragonlance], LG Metallic dragons, War, guardians, light, protection, life

  • Tyr LG war, justice

    • Ilmater LG Life endurance

Minor Powers, Patrons

Raven Queen (Auril, Badb(Conan), Morrigan(Conan), Hel, Jadis, Wee Jas, White Witch) LN, death, fate, winter, ravens and crows.

  • Tymora (Avandra, Tyche, Brandobaris [halflings])) CG, luck, trickery

Archfey, Baba Yaga


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