Well, maybe not completely different. I often use this platform to talk about something I've heard related to Magic the Gathering. Today I'm going to talk about something I have heard more and more. Sometimes in life, media, and imagination somethings take on a life of their own, becoming more then sum of their parts, and reaching beyond the scope and measure of the seed thought which spawned them. Recently it has come to my attention that something as simple as a color, has done just that. We've come together today through the force and will of pink. For a year now this simple blending of red and white has brought people together from all across the globe, inspired and renewed friendships, shared hopes, dreams, and passions of individuals. It has in some small but measurable way, changed the world, and the people in it.
I have thought that I was beyond the scope of this phenomenon, as beyond an impressive collection of scars, I really have nothing pink in my life. Let's face it, nobody wants to hear about scars.
With the approach of this anniversary, I began to think of pink in a different way, as the sum of two parts. You see, my passion, the Magic the Gathering game, does have white and red components. They represent the finely edged power of Law, and the spontaneous energy of Chaos. Just like in relationships, opposites attract, and come together to create a result larger then the sum of it's individual parts. It's the sheer polarity and vastness of their differences, which when properly combined, produce such spectacular results.
Regardless if you are an old school-er like me and call it Inkara, or a fairly new addition to the game which recognizes it as Boros, the power of this enemy pair can't be denied. October 1996, the release of Mirage brought the Magic community it's first glimpse of the sheer power and diversity wrought from the intersection of white and red. Energy bolt crystallized the polar opposite desires of white to heal, and red to destroy. Even the flavor text on the card sums it up nicely. Reflect damage encapsulates whites desire to protect, and reds desire to burn. When the two are brought together, it creates a protection so complete that the destruction is turned back on it's source.
Magic's middle years brought us Order // Chaos. This two cards in one is a perfect example of these two diametrically opposed forces. White punishes Red's nature to attack at all costs, white Red limits Whites ability to defend.
In it's more recent history the forces of Red and White have combined in new ways. The sheer volume of this combination is startling, with 90 spells in the last third of Magic's history compared to roughly a dozen during the first 10 years. Ajani Goldmne was the first multi-color planeswalker, and artfully combined control with destruction, and pain with health.
Intimidation Bolt breaks new ground, damaging a creature while holding the rest at bay. Spitemare is a creature uniquly born of white and red, as it turns it's own pain back on the world.
So at the end of the day, things can take on a life of their own. Be it archaic forces of the universe, or simple colors, the net can often exceed the sum of the parts. I like to take this opportunity to congratulate the "Pink Saturday" community, and thank everyone who has helped make this more then the sum of it's part. Most importantly I'd like to thank everyone who stopped by today because of their involvement in P.S., especially if you have continued to read through to this point, past all that stuff that probably means nothing to you. If you know anyone who plays Magic, or would like to, send them our way, we will take good care of them. Most of all remember, things coming together can be more powerful then their sum, but two wrongs don't make a right. For that you need three lefts!
I have thought that I was beyond the scope of this phenomenon, as beyond an impressive collection of scars, I really have nothing pink in my life. Let's face it, nobody wants to hear about scars.

Thank you for always taking the time to show interest in the things I do. Your listening and perspective are not only helpful, but refreshing.
But, mostly thank you for being a great son.
I'll be back to read more of your blog..it looks so interesting.
My son has been collecting Magic since he was 10 (Dec 1994), has recently returned to tournament play and like you does his best to educate his mom. I'm gonna share your site with my son, I'm sure he will enjoy it.
Hooray for great sons!
Yep, pink changed our way of living as well as looking in life. As I do always say that its been extremely fun and educational. Here's one more new I learned is about Magic and your cards:) Big thanks for sharing.
A few times I participated in PS series with a great desire and pleasure. What a year it's been fulfilled in pink and varied pink stories to-go. And, we all are connected to each other, that is what I understand from this event.
When Bev announced your participation, I wanted to pay a visit your corner, and extend my congratulations for all she's accomplished this year long.
So glad having met to the one who's the son of a very Special Person -yes Your Mom:)
N in Istanbul
We adore your mom, and so appreciate you reaching in to her world to participate.
It is larger than the sum of its parts. Tends to happen when people get together!
you're a wonderful son to step out there in pink land... if even for a day.
blessings. Dixie
Have a great weekend!
It's totally cool that you've supported your Mom's weekly blog event - HaPpY PiNk SaTuRdAy!
How nice you joined Pink Saturday today.
Happy Pink Saturday.
My son did.
Nice of you to join forces with Mom!
Happy Pink Saturday!
You are truly a wise Magi!
Happy Pink Saturday!
Robin@Miscellaneous Thoughts
Happy Pink Saturday. Give your mom a hug for me.
Have a most Happy Pink Saturday.
Your blog is so well written---I know your mom is very, very proud of you, too!!
Hope you've had a great Pink Saturday!! Dana :)
This looks like a fascinating and thought provoking game -- thanks for taking the time to join it to PS today!
Now for the magic connection. I did read every word and understood some of it. There is a connection of red and white the way you explained it in the magic game. Very impressive, and now I understand why you are such a successful magic player.
It is so sweet of you to compliment you mom with a great text on the subject of pink. Thank you for your effort and support of this pink phenomenon which all started with one pink post. Your mom is the best there is...
A... Jeanne
You are brilliant!!!
I loved how you broke it down into a combination of forces between red and white, brought the two together, and made me think outside my frilly box. I loved reading your post! THANKS a TON for posting it!!!!
I hope your mom gave you an extra piece of her pretty pink cake for your brilliant blog contribution.
I don't know anything about magic but I know I was a fish out of water just as you must be when we discuss all our pinkness
I have a great, only son also and he would be sweet like you to leave a post but the only pink he ever owned was the pink tie he had to get married in and it came off quickly after.
Thank you for your post...visit more often
...and may the magic be with you...oops, that is star wars....I kinda know about that
blessings and a big hug
I love the way you transformed the colors into pink. There's nothing like a little Pink in one's life... even if it's in the cards.
You have a great mom, and I will be in N.C. to visit her along with some other great ladies hopefully soon.
Thanks for being so supportive towards her love of the computer and Pink.
All the way from Ottawa, Ont. Canada
Love Claudie
Happy Pink Saturday!!!
Have a wonderful week!
Bless you, Shirl
Shirls Rose Cottage