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Happy 3rd Birthday to Pink Saturday!


Beverly said…
I love this! Great find and great contribution. It also made me think that we were "the three of us" for a very long time. But, now we are more - because of a very wonderful blessing.

Thank you for all the love and support you always give me. I hope you know how much it means - and how much I love you.

And, thank you for celebrating another year of Pink Saturday with me.
Ann said…
What a super clever post!!!! How cute is that pink die.
Crystal said…
wonderfully creative post! :-)
Annesphamily said…
This was so simple and creative! Thanks for sharing. You really have all of us on a roll! LOL! Anne
Unknown said…
Very clever post! Sunny109
Barbara F. said…
Brilliant. Just simply brilliant. xo,
JJ said…
Just dropped by to wish you a Happy PS birthday
JJ said…
Just dropped by to wish you a Happy PS birthday
Michele said…
very awesome. xo
LV said…
You rolled the pink dice just the right way for Pink Saturday.
Jeanne said…
Hi, I tried to comment yesterday but it didn't go through I am trying again today.

The pink dice is a fun reminder of the number thee. Three years of Pink Saturday and it is bigger than ever. A fun day and celebration for the color PINK.

Your mom is just the best friend ever and so are you and and your adorable handsome son. Oops, he isn't so little anymore.

Love to you and your family,
"Aunt' Jeanne
Jeanne said…
Me again, sorry for the typo. "three"
CailinMarie said…
this is very sweet. and now I must go google this game - anything that has the title magic in it(!)

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