WotC doesn't always give a lot of support for the Free&D players out there, but December looks like it's going to shape up pretty well for us. Thanks WotC, and Happy Holidays to everyone!
- Make sure to check out the December One D&D drop featuring an interesting update to the Cleric class, as well as updated "species" (aka we don't call it Race anymore) options.
- Even more exciting we have seen the launch of the D&D Adventure Calendar for 2022
- 5th Dragonlance Monster Compendium. 5 Creatures, 3 Cultures, 2 NPCs, and a Magic item all added in a compact D&D Beyond Freebie. A full half of the additions are Tier1, so this really offers a lot for everyone. I am particularly looking forward to using the Traag in my campaigns, as Dragonborn are pretty rare in my worlds. Verminaard and Ember make interesting BBEG, right out of the box, as Tiamat and her cult followers are already prominent parts of our Pantheon.