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Showing posts from October, 2010

Tezzeret 2.0 in Mirrodin Beseiged?

I don't normally post rumor threads, but check this out:

Grim Tidings #25 - Kiki Jiki, the Elder Dragon?

I hinted a few weeks ago I added some new Scars of Mirrodin cards to my EDH decks, one of which being Kiki Jiki, the Mirror Breaker . Kiki is a lovely card, but he has an incredibly R-R-Red casting cost, making him somewhat difficult to cast both in EDH and other casual “Big Deck" formats. Additionally, he’s mono -red , meaning that for EDH, he forces your entire deck to be mono-red. I’ve found that mono-red is generally pretty weak in terms of card drawing, enchantment removal, and sustainability (All of which are fairly important at any casual table). That didn’t stop me though. Instead of steering elsewhere, I decided to focus on Red’s strengths, rather than weaknesses, and jam pack them into a powerhouse EDH deck designed to execute a very aggressive agenda based come-into-play abilities and mana denial. First off, let’s review my decklist: Kiki Jiki, EDH Red Creatures(24) 1 Kiki Jiki, Mirror Breaker 1 Anger 1 Arc-Slogger 1 Avalanche Riders 1 Bogardan Hellkite 1 Changeling B...