Fall 2009 marks a potentialy important turning point for our little community. For many of us, Extended becomes a playable option for the first time in our Magic carrers. I know the last stretch in which I played magic, Extended did not even exist as a format. This fall as Onslaught Legions, and Scourge rotate out of the format, an number of barriers to entry go along with it. First and formost the all power full fetchlands will fade in to the memory of Extended, likely never to return. These 5 cars alone drop your "must have budget" by $450.00 for the playset easily. This makes the Ravnica Shockland cycle the dual lands of choice in Extended, at half the price. Recent mana fixing alternatives make budget versions of decks playable, with an accepted temp loss. The key to budget building will be to identify the decks which are not impacted by this tempo loss. I'll save that line of thinking for another day. The next real impact will be felt by the Control decks. Not only w...
This blog is dedicated to the best trading card game ever invented, Magic the Gathering. Recent efforts are focused on the Arena or MtGA platform as we discuss strategy, changes, news, and opinions related to the game mostly from a Budget Perspective.