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Unreleased Limited & Live Play Footage +Twitch Schedule


I am very pleased to enact something which had been on the drawing boards for some time now. My entire backlog of unreleased Limited & Live Play is being uploaded to the web for my Acolyte and higher Patrons. This is a massive project, representing dozens of files, and over 10GB of footage. I am uploading it in stages, by topic and I anticipate it will be caught up by the end of July. This will also relieve a lot of strain on my production, which only supports 50gb for the Stronghold.

For more information on our Patreon options

Accompanying this move, is a renewed commitment to my Twitch streaming, which will now be daily Monday through Friday, usually at 11am EST. The exception will be Tuesday, which I will stream at approximately 5p, EST and kick off the MidWeek Magic event. Footage recorded through Twitch, will continue to be available there for approximately 7 days. Start times are approximate, as life happens, but I will make every effort to be as timely as possible.

For more information on our Twitch channel

  • Monday: Rise & Grind with a focus on Budget Deck testing
  • Tuesday (5pm EST): MidWeek Magic on Giveaway account, see the progress
  • Wednesday: MidWeek Magic w/ Primary account, the most powerful version
  • Thursday: Wrap-up Midweek Magic with my Newest F2P account
  • Friday: Rise & Grind with a focus on Budget Deck testing
I will host a JumpIn themed mass stream the first Saturday after each Standard set release, in which I will do all of budgeted JumpIn events and talk about the packs in real time.

New sets will be featured in a Quick Draft event on the first Saturday after Quick Draft is made available on the client. A portion of each sets budget, will be reserved so that a Quick Draft can be recorded each remaining month until the next set is released. These will be planned for the first Saturday of the new month in which the Quick Draft format is offered. Premier Drafting for each set will be hosted ASAP between the JumpIn and Quick Draft events.

The details of the special Limited events, including a more exact schedule will be released through our Facebook page.


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