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"Your" going to love the MidWeek Magic refreshes!

 I think every good story begins at the beginning, and for this one we are going all the way back to 2021!

A member of our budget community gave me a shout out in appreciation of the MidWeek Magic content, and it inspired me to make special intro/outro and put more focus on the content. The intro segment included a graphic I made using the direct quote from the supportive viewer. The cute part was the common English grammatical error between "You're" and "Your". I actually delayed putting this into production for over a week, as I wrestled with this issue. There were a lot of factors here to consider. For instance, a lot of my viewers are from other parts of the world, and I presume English is not their primary language. Hell, I grew up speaking this nonsense, and make error of this caliber more often than I'd like. The last thing I ever wanted to do was make someone feel bad about having made the error, so I left the quote as is. Despite several people pointing it out, including my mother.

Fast Forward nearly a year later, and the video carrying the original comment is no longer visible to the general YouTube search, and I can rest assured that it won't reflect on the well intentioned soul who posted it. Despite the error, what ever the cause, this comment was the spark for much of the growth my channel is currently experiencing. I will forever be thankful for "you're" generosity in recognizing my efforts. The new graphic attempts to preserve the the matter while poking a little fun at myself for having allowed it for so long. I hope you Stronghold vets get a little chuckle when you see it.

Fall rotation also felt like a good time to refresh these intro/outro efforts. I have diversified their use, so different category of videos are approached uniquely. Making these shorter, more focused on a targeted message, and creatively interesting is an on going effort for myself and the channel at large.


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