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Standard Rogue: Friday the 13th Mass Polymorph Can Hack It!

This last Friday, I decided to let Tater take Mass Polymorph (which needs a better name?) for a spin around FNM. After discussing the deck with GrimJack, I felt it was worth experimenting with a GU version of the deck, stripping away the red mana and most of the red spells. Refocusing the list yield this first attempt.

1 Magister Sphinx
2 Bogardan Hellkite

4 Beastial Menace
4 Mana Leak
4 See Beyond
4 Cultivate
2 Garruk Wildspeaker
3 Fog
4 Growth Spasm
4 Mass Polymorph
4 Preordain

7 Forest
7 Island
4 Halimar Depths
4 Khalni Garden
2 Misty Rainforest

The deck performed really well despite the last minute changes to the brew. Scary as the fact is that you can't hard cast a single creature in the deck, the list looks to be pretty close to right. A judge playing in the event, responding to a judge call from Taters opponent, compliment Taters play regarding use of the stack, and trigger resolution. Tater went 2-3 on the night, and missed prize support by only a hair! A couple less play errors on his part, and he would have been in packs for sure. The numbers may need a tweak here or there, but I feel like the cards pretty on. The deck wants a couple more fetchlands, so I will have to see what I can do on that. I also need to do some more testing to see what a sideboard might can do to improve certain matchups.


Beverly said…
Go The Magi - and go Tater!

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