So I've decided to go with the following land base. I know it really is not optimal, but it is the best thing I can do with my budget at the moment.
Arid Mesa
Ghost Quarter x3
Grove of the Burnwillows x4
Horizon Canopy
Reflecting Pool
Sacred Foundry
Temple Garden
Windswept Heath
Wooded Foothills
Forest, Mountain, Plains 1 each.
Now it's time to reality check the other contents of the decks. First off, I can't field Goys, they are simply not in the budget this year, and probably not next year either, I'm just going to have to do with out them. Secondly, I don't own Sylvan Library, but I don have Sesei's Divining top, so I'm going to give that a try. Next, I only own one Jitte, but I am planning on getting a second next year, but in the interim, I'm going to have to try something else. SInce I have put a land destruction suite in my manabase, I am going to up my Knight of the Reliquary to 3 total. This should yield the following list.
Kird Ape 4
Qasali Pridemage 4
Wild Nacatl 4
Kavu Predator 4
Knight of the Reliquary 3
Sensei's Devining Top 2
Lightning Bolt 4
Swords to Plowshares 3
Lightning Helix 2
Punishing Fire 4
Umezawa's Jitte 1
This list, along with the slot I moved to land, gives me three open slots to deal with. I've been giving a lot of thought to Invigorate, and really want to make a space for it, but trading 3 creatures for 3 instants seems pore for a Zoo Deck. Instead, I'm going to reach for some fairly new Legacy Tech designed for the mirror match, and put in Kitchen Finks. These guys are so tech. Creature, life gain, semi-removal, and card advantage all rolled into one. Since I still want to run Invigorate, I'm only going to put in 3. This brings my 3 drop creature count dangerously high to 6. Lastly, I'm going to pull the Lightning Helix's, and one Punidhing Fire to replace them with 3 Invigorates. This yields the following completed deck.
Kavu Predator 4I think this gives me a good deck to field for the time being, and allows me room to grow into a better deck, as my budget allows.
Kird Ape 4
Kitchen Finks 3
Knight of the Reliquary 3
Qasali Pridemage 4
Wild Nacatl 4
Invigorate 3
Lightning Bolt 4
Sensei's Divining Top 2
Swords to Plowshares 3
Punishing Fire 3
Umezawa's Jitte 1
Arid Mesa
Horizon Canopy
Ghost Quarter x3
Grove of the Burnwillows x4
Reflecting Pool
Sacred Foundry
Stomping Ground
Temple Garden
Windswept Heath
Wooded Foothills
Forest, Mountain, Plains 1 each.