The fine folks at arena, amongst other things, announced at GenCon a couple of very impactful upcoming changes for the client. The first I want to discuss today, is that they plan to have "tournament Pioneer" completed on Arena by the end of the 2024 calendar year. I believe this will culminate with Pioneer Horizons in December of 2024. Additionally, the announced that Modern Horizons 3 would be a fully supported release on Arena, and I feel it is most likely the Summer set for 2024. These two announcements, I believe, lay the framework for Modern to come to Arena in much the same way Explorer has brought us Pioneer. This article is a companion piece for my YouTube video on the subject. With the fringe Modern sets numbering 36 (to the Explore 14 at announcement), it may certainly take a while to have the entirety available on Arena. Thus I believe that will start with the most played cards, and I have assembled a list of potential high impact decks. This include the Top 5 ...
Proof of Concept: Leverage old Laptop out of storage Learning about production Reach 100 Subscribers on YouTube Explore different content options Video capture is terrible Phase One: Upgrade Production Hardware with a $1000 Capital Investment in Production PC, audio quality remains an opportunity. Reach 500 Subscribers on YouTube Explore options to broaden the community across multiple platforms Double down on MidWeek Magic as audience development vehicle Focus and refine branding to new sets and Budget content Phase Two: Add Aetherhub as a deck storage resource, and outlet for content. Relaunch Blogger as a Behind-the-Scenes style outlet, to free up YouTube for mainstream content Launch Twitch as Live Play outlet, and a way to record more varied content. Leverage old phone into a webcam. Add a second monitor, boom mic and cam mount with $200 Capital Investment Explore Facebook, as additional outlet for content, and community outreach and growth. Reach 1000 subscribers on Y...