So after a very unimpressive FNM, I figure it's time to put this deck back in the lab. I only one 3 games, and only one of those was going off with Warp World. The deck just seems to be a little to slow on the ramp, and many times I had great cards in my hand I just couldn't cast. Many early turns, I had nothing to do but play a land and pass.. Even worse, there was more then once I was drawing dead on an already full grip, and having to pitch cards to the yard. Ugh! I found several list which were running Growth Spasm, and had initially dismissed it since it wasn't a permanent. After a new round of testing, I've decided I was wrong. It ramps, and puts two permanents into play. Plus it leaves extra cards in my library in a post ultimate Warp World scenario, making it tougher to get milled out with my triggers on the stack. I experimented with a second Ob Nix, but ultimately concluded that I hate the Legend rule, or more specifically the fact that it doesn't use th...
This blog is dedicated to the best trading card game ever invented, Magic the Gathering. Recent efforts are focused on the Arena or MtGA platform as we discuss strategy, changes, news, and opinions related to the game mostly from a Budget Perspective.