Seismic Assualt x4 Treasure Hunt x4 Mountain x39 Island x13 No really, that's it. $10, and you can wreck someones day at a PTQ in the near future. That's all you need. It goes off pretty consistently, often by turn 4, and almost always by turn 5.It really doesn't benefit from a sideboard. The deck is truly too simple to deal with board adjustments. What it can deal with, is adjustments to the land base. I intended this to be an ultimate budget example, and it works pretty well with just basic lands. If you do have more resources, then go for the gusto. Honestly though, it doesn't greatly improve the consistency. Here is some things to consider; Manlands (particularly the red one) RU shocklands RU painlands RU fetchlands Cascade Bluffs Crumbling Necropolis Reliquary Tower Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle
This blog is dedicated to the best trading card game ever invented, Magic the Gathering. Recent efforts are focused on the Arena or MtGA platform as we discuss strategy, changes, news, and opinions related to the game mostly from a Budget Perspective.