Once again September dims to twilight and October's dawn looms close at hand. We find ourselves again awaiting the annual cycling of the planes which will redefine the standards of Magic. This fall finds not only the planes shifting, but also the way in which new and budget players prepare themselves fro the new experiences just over the horizon. Wizards not only brings a new plane to us, but have made significant changes to how the product will be presented particularly for new/budget player. This year the tradition of Theme Decks is replaced by Intro Packs. While Theme Decks presented a fully constructed ready to play deck, Intro packs will provide a 41 card preconstructed frame work, and a booster pack to begin your modifications. The modification here is clearly to provide new player with a solid base, but also a need to purchase additional product. This is a simple need to drive sales fro Wizards, and to increase the fun and diversity of deck building for new players, but als...
This blog is dedicated to the best trading card game ever invented, Magic the Gathering. Recent efforts are focused on the Arena or MtGA platform as we discuss strategy, changes, news, and opinions related to the game mostly from a Budget Perspective.